♥ me

temasekpoly/retail management

♥ trash

♥ moo-sic

♥ Exits


♥ Past

  • November 2006
  • December 2006
  • January 2007
  • February 2007
  • March 2007
  • April 2007
  • May 2007
  • June 2007
  • July 2007
  • August 2007
  • September 2007
  • October 2007
  • November 2007
  • December 2007
  • January 2008
  • February 2008
  • March 2008
  • April 2008
  • May 2008
  • June 2008

  • ♥ credits

    Designer: !hotstuffs
    Inspiration: Jermin
    Base: %PURPUR.black-

    ♥ Monday, March 31, 2008.

    just like the past.(:

    haha:D the day i learnt how to ride a bike,she learnt how to ride a child's scooter.

    hello mr. decapitated prawn head.

    i don't know why this picture turned out like that.lols.

    guess who?:D

    i'm sorry gladys!i couldn't resist putting this up!

    cute ain't he?(:

    me and goo(:

    finally!this post had been delayed for a long time!
    a million thanks to casse who made this post possible(:

    i'm in a grumpy,i-don't-wanna-know-anything-kinda mood.
    and the fact that blogger uploads the pics one by one and so S-L-O-W-L-Y made it worse.

    went shopping alone today.
    cos everyone else was either busy or working.

    went down to bugis.
    and very coincidenly bumped into nicole there!(:
    i hate carrying my own shopping when its heavy.
    bought two bags.yay~
    they by the time i reached town.it was 6.30.
    so went to see seahhui!(:
    then walked to fep.walked one round.
    then walked back to paragon to wait for her.and then back to fep again.to accompany her to buy smth.
    then mrt-ed home.
    tompang seahhui's mummy's car and crossed the overhead bridge myself.(duhh.what am i thinking.)

    oh.and the guys are back.

    today very sueyyyyyyyyy.
    and pissed.
    don't wanna talk about it.
    but we'll classify it as molest.(minor?)

    [/12:56 AM]

    ♥ Sunday, March 30, 2008.

    scars(stronger for life)-corinne may
    from the soundtrack of the leap years.

    good song(:
    [/1:57 PM]

    ♥ .

    currently on the quest on finishing a packet of biscuits with coloured icing on the top in the order of white/yellow/green and finally pink.(:

    you know,the kind we always eat when we were young.

    im bored to this extent.hais.
    [/12:54 AM]

    ♥ Saturday, March 29, 2008.

    "a true friend isn't one that sends an umbrella when it's raining;
    but one that runs beside you and shouts "RUN!BITCH,RUN!"

    and the above was what happened to me and nicole on thursday afternoon.
    can't remember where did i see the quote.hehs

    went to haji lane.
    and it bloody poured down on us.
    thank god i had an umbrella with me.
    but it's frigging small,so we both got wet at the sides.
    so we decided to dive back into the comfort of a air-conditioned building.
    ah.the modernised world.
    but still,enjoyed the company of the rustic charm around me for that past hour.
    felt as though it wasn't in s'pore.lols.

    i absolutely adore spiral staircases mannn!and and and my childhood dream was to be able to stay in a townhouse next time when i grow up and have a spiral staircase at the back of the house.and i will have a cute neighbour living beside me and every night we would sit on the steps under the stars and talk about the world.tsktsktsk.childhood dreams.

    took a train back to town.
    and did what we did best.shopping~ :D
    heeren had like sales plastered on in every shop.
    fleshimp has an offer which is 2 for $25.
    i could not believe my ears when i heard that!
    it included some dresses and tshirts for both sexes.
    fourskin had 50% sale storewide!

    suddenly felt sick at night.
    felt faint while walking home.
    hmmmm.i wonder what will happen if i faint in the middle of the carpark?
    i'll probably be run over before anyone sees me.

    today went back to fep with nicole to change her shorts.
    then back to amk to have dinner with casse and yanyi.
    full like wad sia.
    the roasted mushroom cappuccino soup is so nice!
    and its superrrr filling.

    met khai after dinner.pooled.
    the part before pool where we tried to smuggle yanyi in(she was wearing uniform.)
    was super hilarious!
    laughed till my tummy cramped,hahahahaha..
    she was wrapped up in nicole's sweater and we used casse's scarf to try to hide the rest of the uniform.
    it included tying an x across her chest and tying a ribbon on her head!
    i think everyone was looking at us cos we were laughing so hard.
    we managed to get in though.hehhehs.

    saw desmond and hungyih today.
    they didnt seem to recognise me lah..
    did i change alot???

    the guys are going to tanjung pinang tomorrow.
    they'll sure have have loads of fun lah!
    don't fall under the kelong okay?:D

    it's 29th of march tomorrow already.
    another month gone.
    school's starting soon for everyone.
    got a sad feeling about it.
    although im still uber excited about making new friends and orientation.
    i feel like a small kid.hehs.

    i don't want all of us to drift apart so much.
    but looking at circumstances now..how not so?

    [/12:59 AM]

    ♥ Thursday, March 27, 2008.

    walk with me,
    and take advantage of the star-studded sky.
    [/1:48 AM]

    ♥ Wednesday, March 26, 2008.

    i miss seahhui):

    i wonder if she even has the time to read this.

    don't dare to talk to her online too.if she's doing her work.

    stayed at home the whole day today.
    okay.maybe not the whole day.
    when out at 4 to laminate stuff(:

    then came home.
    went to run with sister and then back home again.

    mum lets me out tomorrow!
    then i don't have to defy her.

    i don't have anything to blog about because i did not go out today.
    such a bore..

    came across two videos on youtube.
    japanese toilet prank and japanese spa prank.
    a little obscene.
    but downright funny lah!

    haji lane tomorrow with nicole(:
    meeting her at 2 at bugis.
    i better set the alarm.
    if not if i oversleep till 2pm...gg

    off to check out the singapore street directory.
    i don't want to get lost tomorrow.
    but hey,it may not be a bad thing(:

    news said that government's not giving up on mas selamat.
    i wish them all the luck.
    wait.im supposed to hate them cos i cant find the darn book at the libraries.
    but oh well.
    im a good citizen(:

    [/11:04 PM]

    ♥ .


    blast it.
    got some problem loading black books S1E3 part 3.
    and the ones after it.


    i just finished 39 longans(:
    they are my fay-vah-roo-ate.
    my spare-ling's so pro
    no-vuns can beat eeeeat.

    the above is what you can do when you're bored.
    break down words.

    [/1:15 AM]

    ♥ Tuesday, March 25, 2008.

    mum said i HAVE TO be home for dinner tomorrow and thursday.

    my answer:NO.
    [/10:12 PM]

    ♥ .

    just back from jogging with nicole!

    sang at the top of our lungs while walking.
    i hope no one recognized us!
    belted out songs like ohio,si xing bu gai,it's all about you...and so on
    walked in the rain.
    had quite alot of fun.

    shouted bye to this guy that was running.
    eh.no.he don't know us.lols(:

    met her at arnd 3plus tdy.
    then went to buy loads of snacks.lols.
    and bought the chicken with rice.
    (i know that you think its called chicken rice.but its not thattt chicken rice.)
    lols.if you get what i mean..
    then came over lah.

    nicole say im crazy:D

    颗心, 多少脚

    [/8:17 PM]

    ♥ .

    went for dinner and movie with them today.
    well.ytd lah actually.

    went to collect my medical report le.
    finally completed the enrollment stuff.
    nicole completed hers too.
    a load off her mind right?(:

    caught step up 2 today!
    watched with nicole,peifen.greg,qiyi and brad.
    zhipang didnt make it.
    and seahhui had to go home early too.
    i didn't think it was as nice as step up 1.
    but the dance parts were still good(:

    before the movie was fun!
    even though separated from the guys.
    bought icecream from the hokkaido icecream place.
    very nice!:D
    then sat on the floor outside starbucks.
    although abit unglam....but we enjoyed ourselves(:
    then sent seahhui to the mrt.
    ahh!forget to ask you all to send the pics that we took to me):

    dang.i want to upload the photos i have in my phone!

    then after the movie we three girls chiong arh.
    for the last bus home.
    we raced each other!
    and me and fen also raced down an up-riding escalator.
    see who reach the bottom first.
    fun mannnnnnn i tell you:D
    they should create a competition!

    my toes are bashed from running in those shoes.
    killer i tell you...

    managed to catch the last bus home(:

    tmr nicole's coming over to my house to slack.
    and to use the com.lols
    going to run at the park in the evening.
    hope peifen can make it!

    then wednesday going haji lane i guess.
    this week me and nicole have absolutely nothing to do!
    so we're going exploring and shopping to kill time.
    beats staying at home and doing nothing anytime.
    hey!the above two sentences rhymes!

    peifen's starting work at paragon breadtalk!
    predicted hau ting's next target.

    there was something like a clearance sale from six at citylink mall today.
    feel like going back!

    both tpy and amk library are bitches.
    i DIDN'T manage to find the darn book.
    fed up man.

    okay.im conking off to dreamland

    all i wanna do; is to close my eyes to your gaze.
    [/2:28 AM]

    ♥ Monday, March 24, 2008.

    i forgot to post this up ytd.LOL
    [/1:03 AM]

    ♥ Sunday, March 23, 2008.

    my 151th post.

    in a few more days time,
    it'll be the fourth year.

    if you have bitter memories with a person,at least you have a memory with the person and not nothing at all.its pretty much the same theory as "its better to have loved and lost ;than to never loved at all".but both still hurt,don't they?and they'll only hurt,if you'd put your true self in.but how many times is a person willing to give their all into another relationship,when the past is too hurtful and they had already build up a defense.what are the chances i wonder,to be able to find a person who will be able to find a second person in their lives to fully break down the defense that is built up and to heal the previous hurt.i guess we'll all have to wait and see.

    read finish the book "daisy's back in town"
    i've got to admit.
    the sex scenes were good.

    finally caught the leap years today.
    okay only lah.
    some parts were nice.
    and some draggy.

    thank god i understand cantonese(:

    im going to search the bloody library for "shadow man" tmr.
    amk library better have it.
    if not i'll probably think the government's against me.

    [/11:13 PM]

    ♥ .

    If the heart is always searching,
    Can you ever find a home?
    I've been looking for that someone,
    I'll never make it on my own
    Dreams can't take the place of loving you,
    There's gotta be a million reasons why it's true.

    When you look me in the eyes,
    And tell me that you love me.
    Everything's alright,
    When you're right here by my side.
    When you look me in the eyes,
    I catch a glimpse of heaven.
    I find my paradise,
    When you look me in the eyes.

    How long will I be waiting,
    To be with you again
    Gonna tell you that I love you,
    In the best way that I can.
    I can't take a day without you here,
    You're the light that makes my darkness disappear.

    When you look me in the eyes,
    And tell me that you love me.
    Everything's alright,
    When you're right here by my side.
    When you look me in the eyes,
    I catch a glimpse of heaven.
    I find my paradise,
    When you look me in the eyes.

    More and more, I start to realize,
    I can reach my tomorrow,
    I can hold my head up high,
    And it's all because you're by my side.

    When you look me in the eyes,
    And tell me that you love me.
    Everything's alright,
    When you're right here by my side.
    When I hold you in my arms,
    I know that it's forever.
    I just gotta let you know,
    I never wanna let you go.

    When you look me in the eyes.

    And tell me that you love me.
    Everything's alright,
    When you're right here by my side.
    When you look me in the eyes,
    I catch a glimpse of heaven.
    I find my paradise,
    When you look me in the eyes.

    when you look me in the eyes-jonas brothers
    [/1:52 AM]

    ♥ Saturday, March 22, 2008.

    salsa is cool:D

    went to seahhui's church just now.
    enjoyed the drama.
    it was really good
    qiyi and norman got come oso..

    okay lah.
    had quite alot of fun today.
    got yueze and jinghan dey all.

    i caught the last bus home from amk.
    and reached home at exactly 12.

    there's lime flea market tmr and i wanna go..
    but got to have dinner with my dad.
    see how bah.

    i guess im off to rest.
    [/12:58 AM]

    ♥ Friday, March 21, 2008.

    funny kids.LOL.
    the garage door one is really funny..

    ehhh.imtoo bored.
    found great amusement in these(:

    [/3:54 PM]

    ♥ .

    dinner at fish&co. was good!
    superrrrr full man.!
    shared a seafood platter for two with sam(:
    we two stuffed ourselves full like dunno wad lidat and then the cannot finish one give to yuan and gladys.
    great time with you guys today!

    after dinner yuan went to meet her ah leong.
    then went kpool to meet sammo's weihao..

    pooled a while.
    weihao cute hor sammo?
    then gladys that crazy bitch.LOL.
    irritating you know?!hahahas.
    you should be glad i didnt shove the pole into your nostrils:D

    after that casse and i sent gladys to the busstop.
    i suddenly high.
    went a little bonkers and had a huge laugh!
    never so high for a longgg time le.
    they didnt want to walk with meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
    (cos they say i crazy)

    then went to mrt station i posted my enrollment stuff and casse topped up her card.
    then went home le.
    what an evening.

    tmr is good friday!
    going seahhui's church in the evening.

    going for breakfast tmr with aunt and family
    they just stay 2 blks away from me
    going to serangoon gardens..
    opp. chompchomp the food centre..

    okay.im off to slp le
    but dunno whether can fall aslp mah
    i feel sleepy now le.lols
    and to think i woke up at 3 today.

    hotpink fingernails:D
    [/1:15 AM]

    ♥ Thursday, March 20, 2008.

    just woke up one hour ago?
    slept at 6am.
    read book until dunno the time le.
    lucky mama never find out.


    off to slowly start to get ready for later..
    finally meeting them
    really have to catch up with them.
    im so glad!

    [/4:07 PM]

    ♥ .







    absolute love this song(:
    this was from a cantonese drama from many years ago called 再生缘(eternal happiness).
    i watched this show when i was in primary five i think!
    can still rmb it till now.
    liked the show alooooot!
    but cant find it on youtube!

    nicole came by today.
    to settle some more of her enrollment stuff.
    stayed for dinner
    then i sent her to amk hub
    went to ntuc and bought some stuff
    then came home lor.

    went library today too in the afternoon.
    meet nicole at tpy.
    met qiyi there too!
    he also went to the library.
    borrowed two books.
    i cant find the book 'shadow man' by Cody McFadyen.
    does anyone have this book by chance?

    saw yulei today.
    she didnt change much since primary school..
    just found out ytd that gwen and bjorn are in the same class in CJ.
    what a small world.
    or maybe we should say singapore is small.

    so glad i found this song!

    [/12:08 AM]

    ♥ Wednesday, March 19, 2008.

    take a look at this.
    wth lah!

    this is funny too.
    west africa idol auditions.
    hilarious mannnn..

    doing up the enrollment stuff now.
    have to get the stuff delivered tmr...
    have to have dinner at home tmr..

    guess popping bye the library.
    if not stay at home damm sian!

    i think better make use of the time to pack my room.
    esp my cupboard!
    like rojak now lah...

    banana pocky very nice:D

    rebonded my hair le!(:
    even though abit sian cos sit there for four hours..
    but the service is damm good and furthur more..
    that cute guy helpd me to wash my hair.
    i liked the girl that helped me.
    guess i know who i'll be going back to next time(:

    went to find ting and lynn after i got my hair done.
    they missed me and i missed my job..
    so sad.
    both of them say rebond le nicer..

    meeting the punehs on thursday.
    finally after a billion zillion years
    looking forward to it!
    fish and co. at amk hub:DD

    [/12:41 AM]

    ♥ Tuesday, March 18, 2008.

    nicole came over just now
    to do her enrollment thingy(:

    had dinner with seahhui nicole yanzhi qiyi greg at pepper lunch just now!
    very nice!
    full like wad lidat.
    poor qiyi lah!cant stand the pepper.

    then after dinner met up with peifen then jianyi and shiling.

    jianyi's back!
    but he's going back next monday..

    i think his voice like become mre man again sia!
    actually wanted to watch movie de.(spiderwick chronicles)
    but in the end...
    got one of nicole's friend to buy drinks for us
    went over to fountain to drink..
    only got me nicole qiyi greg and jianyi..
    then zhipang joined us after his work.
    quite fun!
    qiyi and greg got injured.

    qiyi sliped and fell and somehow go a cut on the side of his body.
    greg cut his hand whitle opening the bottle.
    and i think zhipang swallowed glass..

    i was saying we should do this every monday.

    okay.im super tired.
    slpt for like 3 hours only today.

    ciao people!
    im off to my dreamland!
    [/12:37 AM]

    ♥ Sunday, March 16, 2008.

    im so bored.
    there's nothing to do and no one to talk to..

    wanted to go fep today to do smth to my hair and then go see seahhui de.
    fell aslp again after i woke up.
    feel like sleeping the whole day away.

    very uncomfortable nowwwww.

    went fep with sis ytd.
    wanted to do smth to hair de.
    in the end not enough time and so we settled for shopping

    bought two tops.shoes,shared a vest with my sis.
    still got a few mre items to buy.

    going for check up tmr morning.

    almost done with the enrolment thingy le.
    left medical checkup to go.

    im uttering stuff that no ne needs to know.LOLS

    off to meet aunt for dinner at casuarina prata dere!
    [/4:43 PM]

    ♥ Saturday, March 15, 2008.

    woke up from that nightmare with tears.
    if that were to really happen?
    i seriously..

    don't know what will i do.

    if heaven/god/whichever higher-power above wants life to be this way.
    then oh well.
    what to do..

    perphaps i did something really wrong in my past life.

    i know im prolly pms-ing.

    if i fall..
    [/11:26 PM]

    ♥ Friday, March 14, 2008.

    back from chalet:D
    just woke up after sleeping at 4pm.

    this chalet was better than the previous one.
    had some really fun times!

    though it had quite a pathetic start,
    but everything worked out in the end.

    the first day.
    at 3 plus,there was only me nicole peifen and qiyi.
    then subsequently yanzhi and seahhui came le.
    sorry seahhui made you cry!:D
    and qiyi's fingernails were really gayyyy!
    heart attack was quite exciting.lols
    when everyone havent come that time we play until we feel hot.
    and the aircon isnt actuall weak.
    when everyone reach le
    went for dinner and went back to play a mre.
    indian pokerquite hilarious.
    brady and greg were pretty much stuck on the psp most of the times.
    and their digimon!
    we've a few kids here whom are still obsessed with their digimons.
    lols.brady qiyi and greg
    afterthat slept for a while.an hour perphaps?
    the four of us girls and yanzhi squeeze on the bed.
    we were packed like sardine fish lah!

    second day!
    went macs breakfast.
    go back le.continue sleep!
    then slacked on the bed.
    watching khai play tekken.
    played abit too.
    at least i won one round k!LOL
    and then,
    then highlight of the chalet!
    blind mice:D
    seahhui was the first blind mice.
    played on the first level of the chalet.
    we so many people,then the chalet qite small
    so everyone had to squirm everywhere.
    we had some acrobatic spiderman acts from yanzhi and qiyi.
    played unitl everyone was sweating like shit.
    rellay very fun and hilarious!
    then when everyone aim me cos i nv kena blind mice before,
    that was really scary!
    dunno who will push me out suddenly lah!
    sorry fen!accidently slammed into her.
    in the end,kena caught by amir.
    everyone cheered.LOL
    then bbq lor.
    norman fen seahhui and amir left):
    afterthat everyone pretty much slep of slacked.

    today woke up at 10.30
    the time we're supposed to check out.
    then went to eat then come home le.

    love the chalet(;
    hope there will be one more?

    [/7:31 PM]

    ♥ Wednesday, March 12, 2008.

    got the enrolment package le!

    there's a camp on th 10th to 12th.
    and orientation's on the 17th.

    i think im going for the camp bah,instead of the workshop.
    camp sounds real fun!:D

    that was the fun part.

    got loads of stuff to get ready.
    have to take photo/photocopy this/print that and mail stuff over.
    :/ grumbles.....

    and the most dreaded part...
    medical checkup.
    chest x-ray doesnt sound right in the first place.
    plus i've got a bad experience of it.

    should be going for the checkup with nicole bah.
    i dun wanna go alone..
    hehs.slight phobia.

    so tp starts school the lastest.
    or so i heard.
    official lessons are 21st of april.

    tp says that no japanese slippers are allowed(flipflops)

    i better go pack for chalet.
    tmr got to wake up early!

    [/12:40 AM]

    ♥ Tuesday, March 11, 2008.

    at last mannnnnnn.

    fuck the weather.
    spoiled my plans for today after im set free.
    or maybe not free yet.

    needed to go buy the small bottle of contacts solution for chalet.
    lazy to get my ass and toes out in the rain.
    irritating weather.
    it's been raining for the past few days le.
    hope it doesn't affect chalet!

    oh yah.
    never see any of you for like how many days le):
    12 march to 14 march.

    gran wants me to go back her hse aft chalet.
    no way man.
    anyway i have to fetch meimei on saturday(15 march)
    she's going to be back from newyork!

    fetching her at 9 am.
    ungodly time:/
    she better have something for my to make up for me dragging myself out of bed to go carry her luggage for her.haha..

    times at gran's was really.....boring.
    there was absolutely nothing to do.

    oh well.
    i better enjoy the chalet.

    i'm off to go battle the weather.lols.

    and i still cant solve the zhipang send that thing the 7 cats dunno wad one.
    cracking my head over it.lols.

    [/6:27 PM]

    ♥ Tuesday, March 4, 2008.

    g-dragon is really cool(:

    felt so tired of everything when i was walking home.
    tired of my shoes,the road,all the relationships i have with people,my hair,the bus,my fingers...you get the idea..

    dun feel like saying out wadever that has happened today.

    the only happy thing was to get to see the two of you(:
    and every one else of course.hahahas
    to have dinner together.
    norman was supposed to call me after he finished work so that see whether he and zp and meet us mah.
    but he didnt call:/

    so now settled bah.
    we meet every monday for dinner(:
    except for next week bah.
    since nicole's dad's birthday

    i want to watch the leap years(:
    plus step up 2.

    that's all.
    tmr going to gran's hse again.

    i felt alone.
    [/12:10 AM]

    ♥ Monday, March 3, 2008.

    fuck.i wish i could fill this post entirely with fuck.bonggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg
    [/1:34 AM]

    ♥ .

    so many frustrations.

    feel abit depressed suddenly.
    arms aching.
    shouders feel so suan
    missing the two of them
    i wonder if they got anot?hahaha.
    argh.i hate this feeling!
    i want to remain happy forever:D

    had a few 'treasures' back from grandma's home(:
    (i think the post-effect is this bad mood phase im going thru now.damn)
    im prolly dying of boredom there.
    i can only face the tv over there..
    or else is the four walls of the house-.-

    today dug up some of gran's old photos!
    old doesnt mean like 10 years ago.
    this 'old' is arnd 60 years ago!
    there were pictures of gran when she was 8.thirteen.twentyone and a few more others.
    they were in very good condition!
    i think the blackwhite photo quality at that time is even better than the photo paper quality now.

    gran was really pretty was she was arnd 13.

    there was even a picture of her when she was a model student in sch.
    damn cool..


    i want to come home.
    but grandma...

    if i could have things the way i want; it would be so much easier on my mind
    [/12:12 AM]